Last night at 10:45pm, I was on my hands and knees, butt in the air, armed with a flashlight, and my index finger primed for squishing. My new kitten thought his job was to leap in front of the flashlight beam and attack the carpet where I folded it up, the ants were following the edge of the carpet from the sliding glass door, through the dining room, and into the kitchen. I think they were coming in my house to escape the incredibly damp weather we've been having lately. The ants are the little tiny ones we used to call "sugar ants" when we were kids, so they are small enough to find a way in by the sliding glass door. I had this problem several years ago and my dad came over at that time with all his "ant preventatives" and ant-proofed the outside of my house. Well, he was kind enough to help me out again at 8:30 this morning to do the same. I went on an ant hunt first thing this morning after I fed the cats. I'm hoping I got the majority of them actually in the house by this time and the ant-proofing will stop the rest "dead" in their tracks. I will have to wait and see.
On a strange sidebar, I found out that the smell of squished ants makes my girl cat gag. How did I find out this tidbit? Well, the kitten was involved with the whole ant squishing process from the first (he was the one who alerted me to the procession of them) and it didn't affect him whatsoever. My older boy cat was interested in the activity in a detached sort of way, he wanted to sniff my finger and he wasn't affected. As I share sniffing priviledges, I gave my girl cat her opportunity to sniff and she lowered her head, backed her head quickly, blinked her eyes rapidly, and BLEEECH! Big gag with tongue out. Of course, I had to see if this would happen again, you know, the scientific process to test cause and effect. Lo and behold, the smell of squished ants (who give off a strong scent according to the Animal Planet) apparently can sent Doodle into a gagging tail-spin. As my co-worker would say, "Interesting, who knew?"
The picture of the kitten is not any of my cats, but I wanted to share some cat porn.
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