Saturday, July 28, 2012


I'd like to be able to say this weekend is wonderful, full of fun and cool things, places to go, people to see, and all that jazz...

But no.

It's extremely nice not to have work hanging over my head now that I've figured out a system. While the system is fractured, it is working for the most part and leaves me with my weekends work-free, which was the goal.

I'm hovering over the Moo this weekend. Started this Friday, I thought something was a bit off about him but couldn't quite put my finger on it as he ate his breakfast, chomped the other cats, played a little, drank water, and peed. When I left work to go home, I felt the heat/humidity and said "ah hah". Got home and Moo was having trouble breathing. Dosed him early, dosed him again 4 hrs later, and he was still not good this morning so I gave him his usual 6:30am dose, dosed him again with half a pill at 10:30am, again with half a pill at 2:30pm, and at 3:30pm broke down and took Dr. H up on his "call me at home anytime" offer regarding Moo. I apologized for calling him, told him that it's not a crisis coz he's eating/bit Hobbes while I was on the phone/just peed before I called, listed what I had been doing med-wise, and that I am/was very worried because his breathing is not getting better. He said I wasn't being aggressive enough with the Lasix and this weekend's weather is not helping a bit. He told me the max and gave me a plan of action and said to call him early tomorrow morning if Moo's still not better as he will be in the office for a short while (!! wow, a committed Vet). I already see some improvement but I'm not crowing about it yet.

So, while it would be nice to be off gallivanting and funning, I would rather be at home taking care of a small furry cat-person that I love very much because there is this tiny tiny voice in the back of my head that is ticktocking Moo's time with me. Not saying sooner or later, just ticktocking. 

I'm listening because it's the same voice that told me my surgery was not going to be the open/shut in/out easypeasy procedure everyone kept telling me it was going to be. Granted it turned out well but I did have to have a second surgery that was long and complicated for a little ole gall bladder. And required an overnight.

So I'm spending quality time with my Moo and Doo and Hob.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Sam's SuperEasy Summer Salad

Super cold, super crisp, and super easy to make. What more can you ask for a summer dish?

  • 1 pkg of cherry tomatoes (I use the Santa Sweets, you can use yours from the garden if you have one)
  • 2 cucumbers (med)
  • 1 can of black olives
  • 1/2 red pepper
  • 1/2 yellow pepper
  • 1/2 orange pepper
  • Rice noodles cooked how you like and however many you want and however fat you want them
  • Dressing - I'm experimenting so you'll have to fill in the blank here for your preference
Chop up peppers to the size bites you like.
Chop up cukes into whatever bitesize you like.
Dump tomatoes and olives in bowl with pprs and cukes.
Mix with hands.
Add cooked rice noodles, mix with hands again.
Or if you are sensory-defensive, mix with kitchen implement of choice.
Add dressing to the amount to "just" cover the veggies. Add more if you are dressing fiend.

So far I've tried a Tuscany Italian Dressing, a FatFree Balsamic Vinaigrette, and a Vidalia Onion Dressing (actually mixed the last two together as well). I haven't found quite what I'm looking for but the Balsamic Vinaigrette is close. Just close. I'll know it when I taste it tho it may mean some more close but no cigars. Oh well, at least it makes my work lunches easy to make coz the big bowl lasts a almost a whole week.

FYI, if you want to double the salad, use the whole pprs and add another pkg of cherry tomatoes, two more cukes, and another can of olives and Viola - two big ass bowls of salad!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Bachelor Pad - I DO NOT Watch It

I was channel surfing before turning the TV off to go to bed to read, when I happened upon the new season of Bachelor Pad. I know nothing about the show, don't care to, and given what little I did see I have no desire to.

But I did indulge in some mindless curiosity and watched to see who arrived at the "mansion" - they were divided into past season contestants and Fans, self explanatory right? There was plenty of fakers thinking they were being "real", lots of tight dresses/cleavage on the women and those huge dumb-ass watches like shackles on the men, big talk about how they were there to find love but win the game (like that works), and catty snide remarks about past seasons and contestants. 

The only reason I'm posting is because one of the past season contestants made a truly brainless comment...

She commented in one of those little editing side-bars about a Fan. She said if the Fan's strategy is anything like the way she dresses, she's no competition/she's going home early/she's not winning. FYI, the Fan had on a little red dress that hit just above the knee, real brown hair, and minimal make-up.

I find that interesting coming from someone who resembles a pleather-covered LazyBoy with built-in massagers, air bag lips covered in bear grease, and fake blond hair with extensions.