Here's the most beautiful Christmas tree I've had yet. So straight and symmetrical for a wild tree, hard to believe no-one snapped it up. When I look for a tree, I tend to exasperate the sales people because I make them show me a bunch before I find "The Tree", I can't tell you what it is exactly because it's not perfection or symmetry (although I lucked out this Xmas) that determines "The Tree" but a "feeling", a feeling that this particular tree was meant for me and to grace my home for the holidays.
Now this tree... quite a little story. I arrived to find the selection of wild trees was very small and I thought I might end up with a tall version of the Charlie Brown tree or sometree that did not "speak" to me. The DooBee helping had shown me 6 trees that were no-go and one that was meh-be when we started a second go-around the wild tree pile. A tree practically threw itself at our feet, it was too tall, but I said since it fell at my feet I had to look at it. DooBee propped it up and my immediate reaction was NO! I always feel bad about taking so long so I said "let me see the tree that was behind it" (still leaning up against the wood frame). He moved the NO tree out of the way and brought the behind tree up.
OMG, that was "THE TREE".
Just stunningly perfect - straight trunk, every branch in place and perfectly balanced with other branches all around, tons of nooks and crannies for ornaments, and just the right shape going from skirt to tip. Now, I firmly believe it knew it was the tree for me and just kicked that NO tree out of the way so I would find it. It was way too tall, but I had him take some off the bottom and ended up taking about 5 inches off the top (boohoo), but it was gorgeous. I got it home, set it up, watered it, and just stood looking at for a hour. Then, to give it time to settle, I put lights and ornaments on it about 4 days later. I don't know how, but I improved upon perfection and spent my days hurrying home so I could get lost in looking at it. And smelling it.

The poopers have been enjoying the tree, zooming under it, messing up the sparkly tree skirt, and knocking off the random icicle, but not having as much fun as catnipped-up tissue paper! As evidenced below. This is how they spent Christmas Eve as I wrapped gifts.