Who knew that you could lay out in the sun on Sunday and bake your assets off but wake up Monday with a full blown cold of major mucus proportions?
That's what happened to me. I got all nice and glowy, renewing my color before the laying out days end, which will be sooner than I would like, then Monday, BAM!
At first I thought I was having a serious issue with allergies coz there is something pollinating right now that has my nose in a tizzy but the apple cider vinegar suggestion from the wonderful newbie at work had put a stop to it. I thought it wasn't working anymore and was feeling mighty disappointed because apple cider vinegar tastes like utter crap, MUCH worse than green tea, and I just found a way to cover it up and sip it slowly as recommended - a shot glass amount of pineapple juice.
So I had myself a second shot of apple cider vinegar/pineapple juice midday yesterday to help alleviate the river of mucus and showers of sneezing. By the time I used up two thirds of a box of Puffs tissues (the big bulk box mind you), I did some rethinking and decided I had a cold.
Mr. L got much enjoyment out of making fun of me but he was also solicitous too. Men! A true mix of buttheadedness and sweetness.
Woke up this morning feeling poopy, I just went into work for a couple hours today to get some deadliney stuff done, had my annual check-up (called first to make sure they wanted to see my germy self which they did), got some bloodwork done (the lab was like lightning today, already got results: electrolytes are good, I'm not anemic, my thyroid is normal, and some other test I can't remember but it's all good), and came home and took a 4 hour nap.
Now the kitties are fed, my eyes are out, I'm having a small dinner, and headed for bed. Regular work day tomorrow so want to feel better.