So maybe it's the withdrawal from no longer having access to 60-something channels.
Maybe it's because I'm tired.
Maybe it's because there's absolutely nothing on but channel surfing becomes so compulsive and hard to stop, you know, the "something has to got to get better or change in 30 seconds" attitude.
It could be the underground need for pre-teen pull-my-finger boyish humor.
But let me tell you what...
Tonight, WipeOut made me belly-laugh out loud 5, FIVE, five times, people!
That just does NOT happen.
I totally did not mean to watch this show, I made fun of the previews when it first came out, and I mentally pshawed it to the nth degree.
But OMG!
This show is hilarious. Jim Henson (not the muppet Jim, but TV personality Jim) is a riot.
Tonight's show had this burly firefighter with thick Viking mustachios. Jim commented psuedo-enviously on them and after a commercial break, he was sporting a big-ass pair of "manly stashes" as he called them. I about fell off the couch laughing, good thing I had two cats pinning me down! Two contestents had pants issues - one had to pull hers up so much she earned a hitch-her-pants counter and the other just pulled them off before his hitch counter could be activated. One guy did a major split on top of the first of the big red balls before he richocheted off the second one and into the water. That slow motion shot was excellent fun. Ouch tho!
And the obstacles... the balls, the slide with the mini ball firework explosion at the bottom, and Jim's random comments that are so sarcastic and biting and voiced-overed the action. He gives the contestents nicknames, he makes puns, he's thoroughly evil!
Not to mention the butt jiggly slo-mo shots when the contestents are wearing inappropriate work-out wear and covered in wet mud. Priceless!
I believe I will be tuning in again for some truly mindless belly laughing next week. God I hope it's on.
Oh, and I think I may have to give Stylista a try because there may be many a moment to snarkily blog about. We'll see.