Thursday, February 28, 2008

Thriller Thursday

When I finally decided I was actually grown-up enough to rent an apartment on my very own, I figured out the whole budget thing and worked out what I could afford for rent and still make car payments. Of course, this was back in the day when I could spend $20 at the grocery store and get a huge backpack full of food that would last me over two weeks. Now 20 bucks fills the bottom of my recycleable grocery bag.

Anyhoo. I searched around and looked at some very sketchy apartments before I found one that I thought suited me, gave me a "good vibe". The landlords repainted the bedroom walls that the previous tenant had painted a dark teal without permission and did a few other minor fix-ups and I soon was able to put my father thru the whole moving process once again. My poor father, the infinite number of moves I put that man thru, it's a wonder he said yes to helping me move into my now-home. Maybe he did because he knew I wasn't going to be asking for that kind of help for a LOOOOONNNNGG time.

I moved in and spent the first couple of months getting settled in. I had a big bedroom that faced the street, a middle room that was my living room area (where couch and TV were), the kitchen (tiny but room for a table for one to eat at), and an extra room with a fire place and stained glass windows and a huge window, practically floor to ceiling that was too heavy to open but if I could, I could step right onto the enclosed psuedo-porch area that nobody used (thank goodness, I had to put up really large opaque curtains for privacy!). Hardwood floors throughout the entire layout.

So I'm getting comfortable and really enjoying the fact it's MY space and I don't have to share the bathroom with anyone, all the cooking is for me, and I can do exactly what I want because the only one I can offend, bother, or irritate is me, myself, and I.

I worked for my father as his office administrator and sidelined as a preschool teacher then, so my hours were rather odd. I didn't meet my upstairs neighbor for almost 6 months besides the occasional driveway sighting, nod going in and out, and mail delivery corrections. To be honest, I really wasn't all that interested in "making nice". I had my own group of friends and interests and I just never got around to getting to know her.

I was home during the day alot and I remember thinking that despite not knowing her, I "knew" she was very annoying. Living below her, I got to experience her never-ending furniture re-arrangements. Dragging this large piece here, thumping this one down there, moving this several times before keeping it in one spot for just a day. It was a constant muffled din of scraping, sliding, and banging on wood floors. Usually I just put the TV on and could ignore it, but sometimes I just wanted to read and soak up being in my own place with no one to tell me to stop reading and do something more constructive and active. I remember staring at the ceiling willing her to just cut the crap RIGHT NOW.

I dislike conflict and will avoid it unless you corner me like a cat and then it's no holds barred. So I managed to avoid her for quite some time. Finally one weekday, I stayed home sick, and someone came into our communal foyer (we shared it). It was a guy who went upstairs, knocked on her door several times, and then I heard a bunch of rustling. I was unkempt, unshowered, no glasses, and peeking out my glass and curtained door watching the stairs - so I avoid conflict, doesn't mean I'm not nosey. He finally came downstairs (I put the curtain back so he wouldn't see me) and I heard him rustling around my part of the foyer. I peeked out and discovered him on the point of opening the walk-in closet where my bike was stored. I WHIPPED open the door and asked him "Whattha hell do you think you're doing?"

I'd definitely surprised him and he stammered out some lame "I'm trying to find so and so". I told him flat out there was no so and so here and he'd better leave. Which he did. I watched him thru the windows and he walked to the back addition apartments and went in their communal area. I found out later, one of the back neighbors was home too and he gave them the same lame excuse after being found rustling around their stairwell. Come to find out, he may have been associated with some of the robberies that were happening to the apartment houses in the neighborhood.

But this is not the point of my long winded story, exciting as confronting a possible thief, scaring the bajeezus out of him with my unshoweredness, and preventing my shiny red bike from going missing is.

I'm getting to the point, bear with me. When my my neighbor came home later that day, I told her about our suspicious visitor, which led to contacting our landlord (I think it was he that told us of the midday robberies), getting a security lock on the outer door and our own keys to keep us and our belongings safe.

We started to get to know each other and would spend some time talking in the foyer when we passed like ships in the night. Granted she was STILL re-arranging like a maniac, but I didn't have the guts to say anything.

Finally one day I invited her to come in to my place and meet Hobbes. After admiring him and what I'd done with the place, she invited me up to see her apartment.

I followed her up the stairs, she opened her door, I walked in...

Here's my point...

Her apartment was carpeted! Shag carpet all thru the damn apartment! The only place not carpeted was the kitchen and that only had three very light pieces of furniture in it.

And then I found out she was a photography teacher at the local high school so she was never home while I was listening to the Moving Suite in Major Major!


I told her that I'd been getting a bit ticked with all the moving around of her heavy furniture and she showed me the deep indentations in the shag under the couch which proved it hadn't been moved EVER! And she didn't seem in the least surprised I'd heard these noises.

She told me that she would come home from work to find all her hard-to-open kitchen cabinets (old and painted many times so they would stick) wide open. Sometimes the latched door to the attic would open and close. And she'd find little things in different places than where she thought she'd left them.

Well, for someone whose favorite reading material is ghost stories and the supernatural you'd think I'd be sky-high with this experience and living beneath an apartment where things out of the ordinary happened. I was but puzzlement was huge too. I had a hard time wrapping my mind around the entire 6 months of listening to the Decorator Olympics above me only to find out, they really couldn't be happening.

Of course, once I saw her carpet, the noises never happened again. Almost like "nah nah, gotcha!"

That's the closest experience I've had with the ghostly and otherworldly.

Well, except for the occasional invisible-to-me but visible-to-cats visitors (the only time I can tell they're dropping by is the cats wake up from a dead nap and track something going across the room and I don't see anything to track!) and the orbs I caught on film during my kitchen reconstruction. I'll have to post those pics next Thriller Thursday when I treat you to another episode of the odd and uncommon...

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Project Runway in Nutshell #12

I find it just simply amazing that Zombia Valiumunous has made it to the top three.

I just realized Rami is Nosferatu. His pallid cadaverousness, his shaven head, his pointy ears, his sharp features. He's just lacking the rodent teeth, the long-ass nails, and hair growing out of his ears. So I spent the entire show shouting "Nosferatu" everytime he came on screen. Well, that's an exaggeration, but mentally I was!

Christian reminds me of a malicious little elfen creature skipping around and wreaking havoc on Big People if they haven't left out a midnight snack of Fierce for him.

Chris is a Jon Waters character with some Muppetry thrown in. That laugh!

Roof-top champers and a designer walk-off.

Trippin' Tim visits...
1) Christian: air kiss/air kiss, we get to see his little Keebler elf house, he's sporting a shorter elf-do, no actual family to meet - just pictures of them, no friends either. His collection inspiration is Dark Gothic Romance. When I hear that, I think of the gothic-historical-bodice-rippers-with-no-sex-books I used to read in middle school. Of course that's not his idea at all. As if! Tim counselled him on the "less is more" concept and encouraged him to grow an "editing eye" (which would be Christian's version of everyone else's "third eye") and used the feathered pants as an example - they are fab but costumey (and later Christian knocks on Chris for using an unusual fabric himself, for shame, if the tiny glass slipper fits... just sayin').

2) ZZZZZ... I mean Jillian: what's with the ski sweater? we get to see actual family at the home she grew up in, her mother shared that she went to a psychic who told her one of her offspring would be famous (no surprise there, everyone gets 15 minutes of fame in today's world), and notice she's wearing jumpers in most of her childhood pics? Her collection inspiration is Jumpers... no, dark tights with white dresses... no, it's 15th Century Armor, more jackets. Tim told her that her palette is too drab. Well, how bright does he think 15th Century Armor is? If they shined too brightly they were dead!

3) Rami aka NOSFERATU(!): right off the bat the "born in Jerusalem" card was pulled, he kept his interest in fashion a secret because he didn't think anyone would understand/approve/think it was masculine enough (oh, honey, as if being gay didn't clue them in), his studio had his name emblazoned on it (where was the carved draped stone decor?), we get to see actual friends and photos of his family. His collection inspiration is Joan of Arc for the construction and detail factors. Tim counselled him on being too heavy, not soft enough, and he should pull back a bit. Rami said he'd think about Tim's advice (translation: I'm gonna do what I'm gonna do! I have passion!).

4) Chris: we get to see friends of his and photos of his 3 older brothers who don't seem all that supportive of him the way he tells it ("oh, it's just that Chris again"), and his friend's apartment is unbelievably unbelievable (WOW, took him thirty years to embellish his nest, some embellishments!). His collection inspiration is "beauty with a quirk" (and oh my, what a quirk it is, trim that is actual real human hair). Tim's gag reflex was triggered and he likened the experience of Chris' collection as similar to being in the monkey house at the zoo and what Chris needs to do is Step Away From The Monkey House. (Chris is also gonna do what he gonna do.)

Designers arrived back at the apartments and Parsons to get ready for their show.

Any one else think Jillian's conjoined-twin hat was atrocious?

Rami (Nosferatu!) and Chris had their 3pc showdown.

I'm a Chrisfan, 'course I have a bit of a yen for the flamboyance of drag queens anyway (I love "Thanks For Everything Too Wong Fu, Love Julie Newmar"). The things he can do with safety pins, velvet, and human hair. I loved the way the hair mini (now that just sounds disturbing) did the fringey "shake that ass" shimmer. I didn't realize those were safety pins until it was pointed out, I just thought "oooh sparkly". And I LOVE velvet! In my younger and hotter years, I'd have worn that skin-tight velvet cut-out dress and rocked it hard, even if I couldn't move. Bees come to flowers and they don't move.

Rami (NOSFERATU!) won. Chris auffed. Bummer.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Moomer Pics

Moomin doesn't sit still all that often so when he created an "arty" composition of himself on the end of the couch this morning and was gazing soulfully out the window, I immediately (but oh so slowly, nonchalantly, and casually) got the camera and zoomed in on him. These are the best of the bunch.

The artwork in the background is from my high school years. The velvet kitty was a find at a flea market. And in the top pic that's a pile of Beanie cats (yes I collect them, so what, I love cats). Shortly after "allowing" me to take about 8 pics, Moomin decided he'd had enough and zoomed away to chomp on Doodle. Nice. Obviously the airbourne Prozac for cats that is Feliway Comfort Zone is only working minimally at best.

Hi I'm Buzzed

I just came home from being out and about...

Someone I know has just gone into remission and they invited me to celebrate their good news. Unfortunately I couldn't go out with them as it crosses the professional boundaries.

But I did have plans with a friend and bumped into "remission lady" at the beverage venue. It was nice to see her with her friends gettin' happy with her new lease on life.

The friend I went out with... well that's a story within itself. It's my best friend's daughter! I met her when I moved here n '91 - she was 7 yrs old (!), started working for her mom, got to know her mom who became one of my closest friends, and her mom recently moved way far away. I miss her.

Anyhoo, I wanted to go out but not alone and ALL my other friends are married and have kids - they don't go out, much less stay up past 8pm. I called M (the daughter) on the off chance she was already going out and I could just meet up with her. Nothing more horrible than going out by yourself.

As it turned out, M was feeling beveragey and we met at the local venue. I had a wonderful time with M. We did the whole Memory Lane thing - my perspective as her mother's best friend, her perspective as the youngun'. It was funny filling in each other's blanks and finding out we agreed that J (my best friend and her mother) takes in strays and psychic vampires which is SO not good for her and she needs to stop it right now! Then we compared our own experiences and found we have alot in common. And we laughed for most of the night.

I had a great time. No earthshattering insights, just Two Grateful Deads and a mini Slambo and I'm happily buzzed. Now I have to brush my teeth, get in my PJs, and go to bed.

Sleepy time, nighty night!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Project Runway Reunion

Schmooze Schmooze Schmooze
Schmaltz Schmaltz Schmaltz
Blah blah blah

I'm gonna just give the highlights that got stuck in my viewing filter.

Rami and Chris. Wow. That was some "body english" on Rami's part. Sitting real up close and personal to Chris, inclining his head towards Chris, legs crossed towards Chris, arm behind Chris, touching Chris. If I didn't know better, I'd think there was a little sumpin' sumpin' goin' on between them. But I'm sure Rami respects Chris and they're just friends. Right?

I can't compete with Heidi's verbal smackdown of Victorya...
Heidi: "Victorya is always a bit uptight, no? Or is it just me?"
Tim: "No, it's not you."
Victorya: close up of her trademark "just-ate-a-big-ass-lemon-resulting-in-sphincter-lips" look.
And the editors treated us to plenty of those sprinkled thru out the show. Seriously, wonder what crawled up her butt to make her such a sour puss?

Kevin's sexuality was put under the microscope while he continued to swear he's impervious to the gay germ. Like it's catching... then he admits he might have been gay in a past life. Either that or I think he was a woman and is now being punished by coming back as a man that feeleth compelled to protesteth too mucheth.

Everyone got a chance to be warped to Elise's Planet of Good Vibrations, Positivity, and Blessings.

Next on the Reunion Tour was Ricky's Waterworks and Nonexistent Dam which Rami said were just beautiful. Hey, let's just fly Ricky over the worst drought areas to seed the dry-as-a-bone clouds. I said seed. dry. bone.

(My inadvertent innuendos are just out of control!)

Montage of Chris' laughter. At one point it looked like he was going to hawk up a hairball.

(God, it just keeps getting worse!)

Michael Kors with his steam kettle laugh. And I thought Chris had the monopoly on giggle fits and belly laughs. Viewers got to watch Michael practically pee his pants he was non-stop laughing so hard during the SpandexO'Rama Challenge. And he infected everyone else. Heidi had to fan herself she got so warm.

We got to see what the designers thought their wrestling diva names were.
We already knew Sweet P was "Spread Eagle", Christian was "Feriousa Coutura", and Chris was "Wonder Woman". But we found out that Jillian thought she was "Tuffie", Ricky was the "Mexican Jumping Bean", and Rami was... oh I forget, something to do with the damn drape tho! Tim thought he would be "Polly Syllabillicus". Nina told everyone she's been called "Meana Garzilla". And while Michael Kors did not share what his wrestling name would be, he did share that he wore diaper pants and shawls. OMG, the mental picture that has been seared in my mind!

I was sad they didn't include the "pooing fabric" comment to the review of Heidi's Greatest Hits.

Carmen got all emotional because she was "talked about" for her shirtless wonder fiasco. Then she got a chance to get all emotional once again when Heidi brought it up under the Worst Design Ever segment. Seriously. You send out crap, expect to be crapped on.

Christian was voted Fan Favorite "by a landslide".
Christian: "Really? That's crazy. I'm so poor."
And in honor of his winning, Viewers are treated to a "fierce" montage with flawless hair moments - "Party over here, business over there, and this is the money maker." I thought the winner might have been Elise, you know she does need to soup up her space ship.

I didn't even bother to watch the predictions. My stomach has already been giving me probs all week and I don't need to irritate an already touchy gag reflex.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Party Pretzels InTha House!

Canna I getta WHOOT WHOOT?

So I spent my Saturday making
pretzels for our company bake-sale.
I crushed the Reese's Minis and the
M&M Minis so they would actually
stay on this time. I learned the hard
way, whole is too heavy.

As you can see I made plenty of each flavor.
The other two flavors are sprinkles and non-pareils thingies. Hopefully they'll price them reasonably and WHOOT they'll all disappear.

I'm treating you to a yummy close-up. Well, my books are calling to me as I haven't read a thing today and I'm having major withdrawal symptoms.
Enjoy the Party Pretzels!
I apologize for the layout. Apparently lefting and righting of pictures with accompanying text is NOT in my skill set!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Project Runway in Nutshell #11

And then there were five.

One last field trip which was to the Metropolitan Museum of Art where the artwork known as Tim awaited them.

Challenge: Create a design inspired by a piece of art.

Rami was in hog-draped heaven with the Greek/Roman statues.

Christian gravitated to androgynous European Art.

Chris laughed in church.

Sweet P and Jillian drifted around with their mouths open.

After finding fabrics, designers immediately started working away. I had been channel surfing prior to PR and landed on "Sixteen Candles". I have to say, Christian's shirt design reminded me very strongly of all the puffed sleeves in that movie. As much as he makes a statement, most of it comes from the good ole '80s.

Viewers were treated to everyone's typical pre-runway creating behavior: Jillian and her time management issues, Christian working fast and talkin' smack, Chris napping, Rami with the ever-lovin' draping, and Sweet P having second/third/fourth/fifth thoughts ad nauseum and turning out something completely different than what she started or thought she'd make (I certainly did NOT see any similarity to peacocks in her work!).

The guest judge was Robert Cavalli who was completely enamored with Chris (said he could see Chris in Paris doing haute couture) and Christian. And sort of stuck on Jillian. He was not at all floored by Rami or Sweet P.

Winner: Christian
In: Jillian (wonder if she knew she was treating everyone to quite the undies shot with her enthusiastic jumping?)
Auffed: Sweet P who totally made up for the lack of Ricky's waterworks.
In thru judges' deadlock: Rami and Chris because although they basically created reruns, they created good reruns. Both of them are to create a line for Fashion Week like the others and the judges want to see them stretch themselves more. As such, they will need to show their 3 strongest pieces to the judges who will then pick which of them will be part of the three remaining designers.

And there you have it. I have a headache and am going to bed. I'm tired and achy and thought this show not worth staying up for. It'd be better at 9pm instead of 10pm.

My Bitch Ass Is TIRED!

And if my biceps are not HUGE by the end of this never-ending winter, there will be some Universal Being smackdown happening!

So we got more snow overnight and into this morning. About 6 inches worth. Translate that into waist-high snow at the end of the driveway where the street plow kindly piles it up for me. I spent an hour just shoveling the end when my neighbor, wonderful older gentleman, snowblowed his way over after witnessing my distress (and here's me hoping his machine was loud enough to block out the creative language I was using because I was so damn tired and frustrated and still had the entire rest of the driveway to shovel) and told me

"I know you shovel for the exercise, but this is getting ridiculous, so I'm snowblowing your driveway for you."

I told him that would be absolutely fabulous, thanked him profusely, and away he went.

If you look closely at the first pic, you can see where he accidently snowblowed some snow onto my grey neighbor's windows. OOPs, no harm done, I apologized to grey neighbor for him. I'm so thankful he snowblowed because while I was in the process of fine tune-shoveling (yes, I'm a bit anal about my driveway), the big street plow came by again and nicely deposited a fresh pile at the end of my driveway - this time wet heavy chunky snow. Too too nice. So I spent another half hour-45 minutes cleaning that mess up.

The reason I'm so tired, is that I have to loft the snow over the piles that are now over my head. I took pics so you can see how tall they are. The last one is quite amusing. I'm frowning from the effort it is taking to hold the damn camera up for your benefit!

Yes, I know the hat is rather rather, but hey, I just took a shower, my hair is wet, and it's raining and I really try hard to avoid giving the public an ugly-ass picture. Hence the cropped face.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

An Announcement and a Old Email Share

I had perfect hair today. And when I say perfect, I mean PERFECTION. Hair that you see in commercials and in magazines. My stacks in the back curled under, the sides curled under, the annoying layers on top curled under and slightly forward, the front curled under, no flipadoing, no tweaking out at the sides in a half-hearted twist, no going opposite ways, no hairs sticking straight up at the part... just beautiful bob perfection. And it stayed that way all day. ALL DAY! Out in the cold dealing with trash day (and that was pure annoyance from hell, let me tell you, with zippy bags of poopNpee exploding all over the place), pulling on and off a neck gator more than once, wearing the neck gator (which has been known to make curls go wrong), and going in and out several times. Of course, the only people who got to experience said hair perfection were my co-workers and no one commented on the heaven that was my hair today. Well, I got one comment but it wasn't perfection related, just that she liked the bobbishness of my new 'do. But I've been admiring myself in the mirror and have just now torn myself away to share an old email with you that never fails to make me laugh every time I read it.

Subject: Is Hell Exothermic?

The following is an actual question given on a University of Washington chemistry mid-term. The answer was so "profound" that the professor shared it with colleagues, which is why we now have the pleasure of enjoying it as well.

Bonus Question: Is Hell exothermic [gives off heat] or endothermic [absorbs heat]?

Most of the students wrote proofs of their beliefs using Boil's Law [gas cools off when it expands and heats up when it is compressed] or some variant.

One student, however, wrote the following:

"First, we need to know how the mass of Hell is changing in time. So we need to know the rate that souls are moving into Hell and the rate they are leaving.

I think that we can safely assume that once a soul gets to Hell, it will not leave. Therefore, no souls are leaving. As for how many souls are entering Hell, let's look at the different religions that exist in the world today.

Some of these religions state that if you are not a member of their religion, you will go to Hell, since there are more then one of these religions and since people do not belong to more than one religion, we can project that all souls go to Hell. With birth and death rates as they are, we can expect the number of souls in Hell to increase exponentially.

Now, we look at the rate of change of the volume in Hell because Boil's Law states that in order for the temperature and pressure in Hell to stay the same, the volume of Hell has to expand as souls are added.

This gives two possibilities:

1) If Hell is expanding at a slower rate than the rate at which souls enter Hell, then the temperature and pressure in Hell will increase until all Hell breaks loose.

2) Of course, if Hell is expanding at a rate faster than the increase of souls in Hell, then the temperature and pressure will drop until Hell freezes over.

So which is it?

If we accept the postulate given to me by Ms. Teresa Banana during my Freshman year, '... and that will be a cold day in Hell before I sleep with you,' and take into account the fact that I still have not succeeded in having sexual relations with her, then #2 cannot be true, and thus I am sure that Hell is exothermic and will not freeze."

The student received the only "A" given.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

PMS Is Such a Zhitty Time!

I am having a break-out break-down!

Wha tha f?

Late thirties is NO time to be regressing skintextually... but I've managed somehow to go straight back to 9th grade skin-wise complete with badly behaving hair doing the colic flipado!

Rassin' sassin' frassin' pissed off is what I am!!!

Not only do I have waves of irritability crashing over me every 3 seconds as a result of someone's creaking chair/chomping/paper crinkling/type tapping/breathing my air/invading my space, 6 inches of snow to shovel BEFORE I go to work, and suddenly having a co-worker be ignobly ushered out mid-day... but I have to suffer the indignity of having zits.

Not just little go-away-in-a-day zits strategically placed where they can be hidden.

Oh no, these are positioned perfectly between brows above the nose, high on the cheekbones, and sprinkled on the sides of my chin and are of the type that says "this looks like a good place to camp out for a week and a half, oh, and let's pitch the bright red tents so we can be seen from outer space!"

Arrrggghhh! Where's the justice?

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Project Runway in Nutshell #10

And in this corner, we have...
Spread Eagle (aka Sweet P) with her secret weapon - "the thighs"
Wonder Woman (aka Chris) who likes to smother men with her(his) breasts
Feriousa Coutura (aka Christian) who will hairspray you right in the eyes
Valium Vahjayjay (aka Jillian) with her zombie attitude and voice from the dead
The Drapin' Fool (aka Rami) who will give you an Indian Arm Burn like nobody else
Sir CriesAlot (aka Ricky) who weeps at the drop of a hat

Challenge: design an outfit for WWE women that they can wear in the ring!

Instead of Mood, designers overdosed at the "Spandex House". I think "House of Spandex" sounds so much better. And Sweet P bought a fabric I actually have! I know, says something rather "rather" about me.

Interesting that Christian thought all the noises behind the door (before they met their clients and knew what the challenge was) were "sex noises". Makes you wonder what he's been up too. And fancy him designing chaps as well. Hmmmm... well he did say "I'm a beast, you guys, you just don't know!" And his client asked him to marry her, now THAT would be interesting.

Because there are so many "boys" on the show, the editors thought the Viewers should be treated to many shots of the designers measuring their WWE clients, boob touching, ab showing, butt hugging, you straight men get the picture, you alternative life-style girls as well coz Sweet P and Jillian are frankly so not appealing at this point.

My favorite quick flash - Christian and his client sharing an ozone-depleting moment before the runway.

Observation: Notice how Jillian always needs the door to hit her in the ass on the way out to the runway?

Top Three
Valium Vahjayjay (Jillian): deemed sporty classic with sizzle (those were SOME booty-boy shorts, butt cheeks are a'poppin')
Feriousa Coutura (Christian): deemed feisty with Prince/Appolonia overtones
Wonder Woman (Chris): deemed a glitteringly expensive romp-stompin' ass-kickin' sexy (I LOVED the black glittery fabric, where can I get ME summa that?)

Bottom Three
The Drapin' Fool (Rami): twisted boobie-top Barbie Pink does not an "all American girl" make
Spread Eagle (Sweet P): missed the mark for sex kitten drama with her sleeveless tunic and unhappy client
Sir CriesAlot (Ricky): more bathing suit than superhero

Winner (outfit will actually be worn in the ring): Chris - in his own words: "Of course I win the tackiest challenge we've had."
Auffed: Ricky - What no waterworks?!?!?

I'm feeling witty, oh so witty, and funny with this show! I actually like what I've written!