Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Squird and Birrel TV

One of my clients likes to ask me if I have "any new cat stories" every time I visit. She finds my high maintenance feline adventures to be very humorous.

Today I was describing to her about how much the cats have been enjoying real life television thru the deck windows because I've been feeding the birds and the big fat juicy squirrels have been butting in - 7 of them today, going after the stale cashews I'd sprinkled all over the deck yesterday morning, damn fatties (I didn't use these exact words with her!) kept taking turns dashing around the deck and after grabbing a big cashew, shoving it in their mouths, they would drive-by the window putting Moo in a hunting frenzy as they jumped off the edge to go bury them in the snow which means I'm going to find cashews all over the yard once it melts, poor Moo tried so hard to osmosis himself thru the glass! I tried to tell her they were watching the "bird and squirrel TV" channel but my tongue got all twisted up and it came out as "squird and birrel TV". We laughed and she told me I should write it down. I did and thought it would make a great post title.

Moomin finally decided biting a distracted Doodle was WAY more interesting than the juicy squirrels he couldn't catch.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Angry Birds

I DID it.

After playing from 11pm to 4:20am, I did it.

I completed all 3 levelsets with every single level in each of them on the free Angry Birds game! Level 13 on the third set was a major bitch with just three birds and buttload of concrete but after an hour+ with no hints (not going to pay .99 cents) I managed to get the four nasty sneering little piggies.

I thought there was going to be a big celebration, you know: music, lights, maybe some fireworks, some bruised/battered/contrite green pigs, and some dancing Happy Birds at the end...

But no,

All that happened was the credits. boring with a lower case "b".

At the very least they could have had confetti.

Monday, January 16, 2012


Giving this series a whirl now that I have plenty of time to myself and can watch all and any friggin' show on TV that I want to watch for as many hours at a time as I want to watch.

Yeah me.

It's got the elements I like: supernaturalistic possibilities, science fiction, crime, murder, mystery, strong female lead, humor, did I mention crime?

We'll see, first two hours weren't bad.

JJ Abrams (Bad Robot) produced it, so we have lots of time-switching/flashbacking. I don't mind but it does make for one of those shows where you have to start watching from the beginning or you are just... LOST (yeah I went there! Bad pun, I know, couldn't resist, I can do these now too, all I friggin' want.)

Me being gritchy. New word I made up, cross between grouchy and bitchy, that seems to be my state of mind right now.

Monday, January 02, 2012

High On Book Crack!

And do I mean BOOK CRACK!

I went to my favorite local used book store today. Wandered around, found a few books, no big deal, but my book radar was still pinging like mad so I was confused as to why I wasn't finding anything. I woke up this morning with the very strong urge to go and it wasn't panning out which is strange because my book feelings are always on target.

The owner swung around the corner and let me know he'd recently been to a home of an 80 yr old man with the beginnings of senile dementia who's now living in nursing home and some lawyer-y executive-type hired by the family came in and took all the hardback books (mostly first editions/signed = lots of moolah for the family) and left all the paperbacks which the owner bought.

Paperbacks from the 50's, 60's, and 70's.

30+ boxes.

My time zone and categories of interest: science fiction and mysteries!

OH MY GOD - I was there from 10am to 3pm going through the 15 or so boxes the owner had brought to the store.

I found some absolutely fabulous finds (looking at you Solar Pons/Basil Copper), things I'd been looking for for years (SF anthologies edited by Judith Merrill), many things I didn't even know I was looking for (mysteries by romance authors), and just random awesome books (medical mysteries, ooh).

I left there with the smell of books up my nose, the taste of books in my mouth, and box of books in my arms. No better feeling in the world to a book lover like me.

Mom, thanks for the Santa Cash, could not have been a better gift. I am so highly happy right now.

Sunday, January 01, 2012

My Version of the NewYr's Ball and Fireworks

It may not be a million dollar+ crystal ball with built in light-display but it's much prettier!

Since we have a ban on fireworks in our town AND it was rainy, these color bursts work just fine.

Happy New Year!

Hope this year is much better than last although the Mayans had some pretty serious predictions for this year, life-changing - I'm not sure if it's going to be on an individual level or a human race level. I guess we'll just have to see!